Hi, we're here to help
We get it. You wouldn't be here if you weren't looking for solutions. Whether it's challenges with your spouse, the wider family, or those at work -- or even your relationship with yourself -- we know the hardest part in finding help is often just knowing where to start.
“I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 things that do not work.”
Who we are
The Bayside Center is a collaboration of like-minded independent wellness providers in Poulsbo, Washington. We are therapists, nurse practitioners, life coaches, and more. What this means for you is whether you're looking to heal wounds from the past, manage the problems of today, or chart a new path into the future, chances are good we can help.
Click on the photos to learn more about our providers.
“Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise.”
Where we are
Located just a few steps from the waterfront in downtown Poulsbo, we're tucked away just behind Sogno di Vino restaurant on Front Street in Suite 220. Take the open-air staircase, just to the right of the restaurant. We're in the small courtyard halfway up to 3rd Ave, which is the next street up. Or you can park on 3rd Ave and take the same stairs down. Either way, we'll meet you in the middle :-)
“Not all those who wander are lost”